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Below is a list of tools that I have created and use to write my own stories. Since I am an engineer, I like to call this my writer’s toolkit. As such, use whatever you find in here as you believe is best to fit your style.

As a writer, I am still discovering and experimenting to understand where I am in the spectrum between a “discovery writer” and an “outliner”. I don’t use all of them all the time but I pick and choose according to where I feel I need structure. I suggest you do the same – don’t stick to a process, make the process stick to you.

During my travel of self-exploration to understand my own process, I have collected quite a lot of “tools” that I have now decided to share here.

Use everything on this page as you wish, and just don’t stop writing and exploring your style and your process, but most of all, don’t stop having fun.

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